At different times of the day, or based on situations we express a different feeling.
At times we feel happy, relaxed or calm. At other times we might feel sad, upset or angry. These emotions have an impact on our body.
How do these different emotions make our bodies feel?
Let's try to take a moment when we are in the middle of an emotion and express how are bodies are reacting.
As two and three year olds we are learning how to be in control of our actions and learn how to act in appropriate ways. Of course, it is natural that when we get mad our bodies get tense and want to act in an intense or outward way. Therefore it is important to learn at a young age to be aware of our emotions and how this makes our bodies feel. When we realize how tense we become or how the emotion is overtaking ourselves that realization can help us see ourselves in the moment. Then we can learn ways to help ourselves relax and be in a better state to act appropriately.
One such technique we used today was through yoga movements and breathing. Being in touch with our emotions and helping our selves be in control of our actions will be a continuous journey for us over the year.
Today we shared a new experience.
Today Mrs. Daniella Wrubel, a certified yoga instructor and mother of Nati and Ashi in the 3 year old class, came to our class to do some yoga movements with us.
We learnt how to make our bellies like balloons so we can feel our breathing. We felt our bellies going in and out and up and down. We took deep breathes and felt how that impacted our bodies.
We learnt how to put our bodies into different positions like different animals and objects. This helped us stretch the different muscles in our bodies. We stretched to be cats, cows and butterflies. We stretched to be seeds in the ground and then grew into tall flowers. We tried to balance on one foot as we pretended to be trees.
Then to end off Daniella told us a relaxing story as we lay flat on our mats. We pretended to go to the beach and listen to the sound of the waves as we breathed in and out. Before we left the beach the children each collected sea shells and put them in our pockets to take home. Ask your child to show you their sea shell and describe it to you.
Here are some photos of our yoga experience.

With more news to come,
Morah Batsheva
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