We hope you had an enjoyable, relaxing winter break with your family.
Now that we have settled back into school come in and find all the interesting and fun things we have been doing in class.
The winter spirit evokes a calmness a relaxing energy.
The outdoors is in a mode of rest, a mode of quietness.
The trees are resting; not growing leaves, flowers or produce.
The ground is resting. The animals are quietly resting in their homes or trying to stay warm through the season.
We learnt a quiet winter poem that we say together as a class. As we say the poem we use our quiet soft voices to evoke inside of us this feeling of quietness.
''Snowflakes on my shoulders,
Snowflakes on the ground,
Snowflakes all around me,
But they never make a sound."
This is a great opportunity to explore the topic of peacefulness and quietness and see how it relates to ourselves.
We have been learning over the year that we need to take care of ourselves to help us grow healthy and strong.
There are times when our bodies need energy and so we take care of ourselves as we eat and drink.
There are times when we need something, so we learn how to be independent and do it, or ask others for help.
There are times when we need to listen to our bodies and stop what we are doing to go to the bathroom.
There are also times when we need to let ourselves just be. Be relaxed, take a break and have quietness. So together in class we will learn this value of being relaxed. We will explore different ways we can give ourselves this experience that it needs.
Please share with us what you might do with your family to enjoy the quiet moments,
or help yourself relax.

We are very happy to welcome two new families to the Zimmer Preschool community and to our class, the Kominsky and Lapetina families. We will soon be handing out an updated class list so everyone can be in contact with each other outside of school.

Olivia Lapetina Elana Kominsky
Have an enjoyable, relaxing weekend,
Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Batsheva
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